Writing a Novel and Dominoes

A domino is a small rectangular wood or plastic block, with one face marked with dots resembling those on dice. Its other face is blank or identically patterned. A domino is usually twice as long as wide. It is often used to play games for two to four players that involve arranging a sequence of pieces. Each domino has a number of spots on its ends, called pip counts, that determines its value. A piece with more pips is “heavier” or has a higher rank than a piece with fewer, or even none.

Hevesh started collecting dominoes when she was just 10 years old, and she began to post videos of her creations on YouTube. Now 20, she is a professional domino artist who has created spectacular setups for movies, television shows, and events—including a Katy Perry album launch. She has also set a Guinness World Record for the largest domino chain ever toppled. Her biggest installations take several nail-biting minutes to fall, and they require an immense amount of energy.

When Hevesh creates a new domino design, she follows her own version of the engineering-design process. She begins by considering the theme or purpose of the installation, and brainstorms images or words that might relate to it. She then sketches out a basic layout of the dominoes and their arrangement, before starting to build the actual display. Finally, she tests the dominoes to see if they will do what she wants them to do.

Domino’s CEO, Don Meij, knows the importance of a strong leadership team. That’s why the company has created a space for its leaders to collaborate on and test new ideas that will help it take its business to the next level.

As with the physics of dominoes, plotting a novel requires an understanding of how to juggle multiple elements and keep them in sync. Whether you compose your manuscript off the cuff or carefully outline it, there are certain techniques that will help you develop a captivating storyline.

The most basic Western domino games involve a set of tiles with matching numbers on each end. Each end of a tile has a pips count, and the heaviest domino is called the leader. The rest of the pieces are arranged in a boneyard, which is usually placed on the side of the table. Players draw for the lead, and then play by placing a domino in line with the leader (or to it).

The company’s first Domino’s location was established in Ypsilanti, Michigan, in 1967. After that, the company focused on putting its pizza shops near college campuses, a strategy that proved successful and led to rapid growth. By 2004, Domino’s had more than 200 locations. By that time, though, the company was in financial turmoil and had a weak, uninspired leadership team.

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