Domino is a game in which players build lines of domino tiles that can be knocked over by one another. Some games are positional, where each player moves a tile edge to edge against an opponent’s and the adjacent tiles match in number or value (called the “line of play”). Others are scoring games such as bergen or muggins, where the losers score by counting the number of domino spots left in their hands at the end of a hand or game.
Dominoes may be made from a variety of materials, including bone (also called MOP), silver lip oyster shell or ivory; dark hardwoods such as ebony; metals; and even clay or crystal. A domino set is typically rectangular in shape and may have a number of different markings, known as pips, on each face. Traditionally, domino sets are made from natural materials for their beauty and durability, but the same game rules apply to all materials and play formats.
The first player to play all of his or her tiles wins the game. To begin, each player draws a hand of tiles—typically 12 or more, depending on the game being played. The draw is then determined either by drawing lots or by determining who holds the heaviest hand. Then the players proceed to place tiles on the table, creating a domino chain, according to the game’s rules.
Once a chain of dominoes is started, it becomes increasingly difficult for the opponents to stop it. This is why it’s so important to pay attention to your opponent’s plays and be aware of the points you’re making or losing.
When you’re ready to move on from a block, be sure to let your opponents know it. A rap on the table and a clear signal of what you’re trying to do are standard signals. You should also be prepared to accept the fact that your opponent might make an opposing play.
Some players create intricate domino art by laying down tracks that form a picture or a word. Others use their dominoes to construct a 3D structure such as a tower or pyramid. When planning out a domino track, it’s helpful to sketch it out on paper and include arrows to indicate the way you want your pieces to fall.
While it takes a lot of skill and practice to create these mind-blowing designs, there is one physical phenomenon that’s key: gravity. Physicist Stephen Morris explains that when you stand a domino upright, it has potential energy. But when you knock it over, much of that energy is converted to kinetic energy, which pushes the next domino toward the ground and starts a chain reaction.
Most domino games require some sort of scoring. Generally, the losers count the number of pips remaining in their hands at the end of the hand or game and add them to their total. But there are a few other scoring methods that have been used as well.